Πολυτάλαντη η Gisele! Έριξε το Instagram με το τραγούδι της!

Αναρωτιέται κανείς πόσα ταλέντα έχει πια αυτό το κορίτσι! 

Εκτός από πανέμορφη με μια αξιοζήλευτη καριέρα στο μοντελινγκ, η Gisele, έχει ταλέντο και στην μουσική!

Ανέβασε ένα video στο λογαριασμό της στο instagram, όπου και την βλέπουμε να παίζει κιθάρα και να τραγουδά!

Το τραγούδι της ήταν όμορφη, με την φωνή της να κερδίζει τις καρδούλες των φαν της!

Ξεπέρασε μάλιστα το 1 εκατομμύριο likes μέσα σε μερικές ώρες! 



Obrigada @AnaVilelaoficial por ter criado uma música tão verdadeira. A letra é tão inspiradora que até me arrisquei a cantar #trembala #mandandoamor☀🙏🏼❤Thank you @AnaVilelaoficial for such a truthful song.The lyrics are so inspiring that I decided to take a risk and play it. #sendinglove Lyrics: It's not about having all of the people in the world for you It's about knowing that somewhere someone is looking after you It's singing and being able to hear more than your own voice It's about dancing in the rain of life that's falling on us. It is knowing to feel the infinity in a universe so big and so beautiful It's knowing to dream And so make it worth every verse, of that beautiful poem about believing It's not about getting on top of the world, knowing that you won It's about the climb and feeling that the way just made you strong It's being shelter and also home for other hearts And this way have friends with you in all of the situations We can't have everything What would be the fun in this world if it was like that That's why I rather have the smiles, and the gifts that life brought closer to me It's not about everything that your money is able to buy But all of the moments and smile that we get to share all around Not about running against the time to always have more Because when you least expect, your life ran out of time Just hold your son in your arms smile and hold tight your parents while they are here Cause life is a Bullet train , and we are only passengers waiting to leave

A video posted by Gisele Bündchen (@gisele) on

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